ASSAULT ANDROID CACTUS+ Preview: A Flurry of Bolts and Bullets

Assault Android Cactus+ by Witch Beam is an insane flurry of bullets, robots, and fun. This game has been on a number of platforms before but will soon be coming to the Nintendo Switch. Assault Android Cactus+ is a third person twin-stick style shooter with surprising amounts of personality. The game throws a player into battles against massive waves of enemies in single player mode or up to four people in couch co-op mode.

Assault Android Cactus is on a mission to save the ship from its own rampaging robot workers! Play on the go or settle in for up to four player couch co-op in an intense twin stick shooter. Including the new Campaign+ mode for Nintendo Switch! #NintendoSwitch #AssaultAndriodCactus Subscribe for more Nintendo fun!

Players are placed into various stages (which change and evolve over time in the battle) with various enemy types, fun bosses and a plethora of in-game upgrades. There are also several androids to play and each has fairly different playing styles and weapons. Assault Android Cactus+ is also meant to fit various different age groups and gaming capability as it boasts various settings to make the game easier or difficult for the players.

Assault Android Cactus+ will be out March 8th on Nintendo Switch and is already out on Steam, PS4, Humble Store and Xbox One. Check out our Nintendo Switch review later this week and how it fits the home/portable console.