LEAGUE OF LEGENDS New Bel'Veth Champion And It's Spotlight Just Dropped!

For fans of Riot Games hit game League of Legends, a new champion just reached the live servers and its spotlight video just dropped! Riot has been teasing their new ‘monster’ champion Bel’Veth for months now. With the release of the durability update, Riot has changed the game, making fights longer and champions harder to kill! The new addition of Bel’Veth in her intended jungle role as a non-assassin-type champion feels like she will fit in well in the upcoming durability meta. I, for one, as an AD carry main have been enjoying not getting burst down in the first two seconds of a fight!

Bel’Veth was designed for the Jungle with multiple effects that work on large monsters. Bel’Veth is created with attack speed and bruiser builds in mind as she has theoretically infinitely scaling attack speed. Her design goal is to pick off champions in smaller fights and to avoid big team fights where she is weaker. Bel’Veth seems to be an incredibly promising champion for solo play for the average joe, but I have my doubts on what level of effectiveness she may have on a pro-level where big team fights are central to the meta. Either way, the lore aspect is promising and I can’t wait for the inevitable void-themed event!

For those who don’t feel like watching the champion spotlight, TLDR: Bel’Veth is the Queen of the Void, sent to Runeterra to devour it for the Void!

League of Legends is available on Mac and PC.

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