MARIOKART Is Heading To Mobile Soon

A new MarioKart game is in development by Nintendo. However, this new game will not be for Nintendo’s highly successful Switch or the 3DS (who already have their respective versions of the game), but instead, MarioKart Tour will make its way to iPhones and Android devices sometime before March of 2019. 

The announcement was made via Twitter, where the company revealed their plans to develop the MarioKart mobile title: 

In the past, Nintendo has been hesitant to develop games for mobile devices as they wanted their games to remain on their own gaming systems. However, as mobile games became popular in the gaming market, Nintendo quickly changed their stance on mobile games and started to develop titles for smartphones, including Miitopia, Super Mario Run, Fire Emblem Heroes, and most recently, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. 

Last year, Nintendo made headlines when they announced their interest in finding more partners to release mobile games, hoping to catch up on the growing market. This clearly shows that although Nintendo is still mainly making games for its own systems, most notably, the Nintendo Switch and 3DS, they are not ignoring the growing demand for mobile games. 

While Nintendo is expanding its library with mobile games, their attempts to expand on the market have been a hit and miss. In fact the company revealed that their very first app will be ceasing its services soon. A few weeks ago, Nintendo has announced that they will be pulling the plug on Miitomo, a social networking app that has the company’s proprietary avatars called the Mii’s in its front and center. 

Last year Nintendo also released a mobile version of their popular franchise Animal Crossing. However, several fans of the game were disappointed with the mobile game, although Nintendo is still pushing for updates to improve the experience of its players. So far, the most well received mobile game from Nintendo is Super Mario Run that mixes features of a traditional Mario game, with simpler mechanics expected from a mobile title. 

What do you think of MarioKart Tour on iOS and Android? Will you be picking it up once its released? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

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