MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA Teaser Trailer on N7 Day

Yesterday for N7 Day, Bioware very quietly released a teaser trailer for the upcoming installment to their most popular series, Mass Effect Andromeda! This is huge news, as Mass Effect was easily one of the most highly received games of the previous generation. (Minus all the butt-hurt over the end of the third installment.) I can't wait to see what Shepard and his/her crew can accomplish on this new generation of hardware. Hopefully this means we will see something new very soon.

Vai a para saberes as últimas novidades: Subscreve para seres o primeiro a ver os nossos vídeos: És um pioneiro. Não te esqueças que, vás para onde vás, estaremos contigo. Nunca te esqueças de onde vieste. Happy N7 Day! Fica atento para saberes mais novidades sobre o Mass Effect em 2016!

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