MONSTER HUNTER WORLD Directors Explained Why The Game Is Not Coming To The Switch

Monster Hunter World will be released tomorrow for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The upcoming game by Capcom will also be released on the PC at a later date, with the producer of the game explaining that the delay on the PC is due to the fact that this will be the first time a Monster Hunter title will come to the PC. 

However, Capcom has confirmed in an interview with IGN that Monster Hunter World will not come to Nintendo’s hybrid system. The Monster Hunter franchise is not a newcomer to Nintendo’s consoles, as the previous game, Monster Hunter Ultimate 3, was released for the 3DS back then. However, the directors for the game Kaname Fukioka and Yuya Toduka stated in an interview with IGN that they believe the Switch is not the best console for the game, and will not achieve their overall vision for Monster Hunter World. The directors said that: 

“We don’t have any plans for the Switch at the moment. Part of the reason is that the title has been in development for almost 4 years. At the time we had to commit to our hardware choices, we decided on using the most powerful current generation consoles available at the time, which was PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. So [the decision has been made] before the Switch was even announced or on sale.”
“It’s also because for every title we decide what the best fit for hardware is for the concept. We don’t just look at everything. It’s more like ‘if we want to achieve this kind of game concept, where’s the best place to achieve that? And for this title the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One were the best fit for us.”

Based on the above statement, it would seem that the directors didn’t think that the Switch will be able to smoothly run the game as they aimed for World to have a larger and more complicated environment. Of course, when development for the game began Fukioda and Toduka had already chosen the systems that they would want to develop for, and the Switch was not available during that time. Lastly, even if the Switch was already an available option it would still be fairly new and no one would have predicted the success that it would have become today.

What do you think of Capcom’s decision to pass on the Switch? Is it a missed opportunity? Or is Monster Hunter World better on Sony and Microsoft’s beefier consoles?

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