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New CODE VEIN Boss Revealed Is A Cape-Wearing Titan

As September 27th continues to creep closer, Bandai Namco keeps showing off the different horrific bosses that lie waiting for us within Code Vein. Many players are getting their own first impression of the game through the now-available free demo on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but it won’t be until the official launch that we will encounter these fierce foes.

We already got to see the games iconic boss, The Butterfly of Delirium, in action and were shown both the woman-demon known as the Invading Executioner and the giant wolf beast called the Successor of the Ribcage. Now we are forced to defeat a skeletal-like titan wearing a red cape and wielding a giant axe called the Insatiable Despot. Surprisingly, despite using a large two-handed weapon, speed does not look to be an issue for him and won’t be where we find our advantage.

Don’t forget that pre-orders are still open for those interested in getting Code Vein. It is launching on Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, so be sure to check it out and give it a run before you buy. But before you go, just look at this incredible boss fight in action with this reveal trailer: