NINTENDO SWITCH Now Has Sexy Transparent Cases

It seems as though there is more fun in creating new innovative covers for the Nintendo Switch than actually playing it. Remember that time when Unlock River tested the Switch's durability with a 1,000 foot drop? Yeah, who needs to game on it.

There are now transparent cases available through Aliexpress via Go NintendoAlthough I feel these cases are pretty darn sexy (who doesn't like covers you can see through?), I'm wondering if these aftermarket cases affect the guarantee. I am sure they must, since you have to actually unscrew the official cases, expose the insides and then place the new covers on them. Not owning a Switch, I can only imagine that no amount of insurance will cover any damages caused thereafter. I also doubt that these will protect the console from a 1,000 foot drop.

What do you think? Would you like these transparent covers, bringing back that taste of what Nintendo used to do with their old devices? Or would you rather stick to the official cases? Let us know.


Source: Kotaku

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