PAX WEST 2024: Dustin's Top 3 Games



Path of Exile is in the best state it’s ever been in and the current Settlers league is absolutely fantastic. With the bar already at an all-time high, the PAX West hands-on demo of Path of Exile 2 completely blew us away. I focused on both Witch and Sorceress gameplay and while it feels familiar it felt all new at the same time with a totally revamped skill and currency system, THIS is the game I am most excited for.

Path of Exile 2 enters Early Access this November.


2 - STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl

I’ve been a major STALKER fan since the early days and while I’ve watched the heartbreaking delays, I also got to play and speak with the incredible developers at PAX West. I was surprised to even see a hands on demo there and after a few hours in line, what I saw, heard, and played was incredible. The passion of the Made in Ukraine dev team really shines through and I cannot wait to play the full game at launch. STALKER is back!

STALKER 2 releases this November.


3 - KINGDOM COME: Deliverance II

Even more surprising was the deep, complex but stellar hands on with Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. This game is going to suck away many hours with a plethora of things to do including RPG elements, swordplay, gathering, alchemy, dice games, and so much more. I came in not expecting much but was stunned by how awesome just the small snippet of the game I played.

KC: DII releases in February 2025.