PHOENIX POINT To Hit Consoles With Beefy Behemoth Edition

Fans of turn-based combat will soon be able to get their hands on a console version of Phoenix Point. The brainchild of XCOM creator, Julian Gollop, saw a successful crowdfunding campaign and originally released Phoenix Point on PC in 2019. The game has seen several pieces of DLC since launch and the console’s Behemoth Edition promises to release with four major expansions bundled in - including the new "Corrupted Horizons" which will launch on PC on the same day.

Phoenix Point sets the player as the leader of an organization battling a mutating alien menace that is threatening the last vestiges of humanity. Players will not only have to manage turn-based battles and squad management but will have to employ diplomacy with other factions.

Console players will not have to wait much longer, as developer Snapshot Games in partnership with publisher Prime Matter have set the day of the PlayStattion 4 and Xbox One release to October 1st, 2021. The game won't just be a straight port either, with developers promising a revamped UI and gamepad controls designed specifically for console players.

Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition is also promised to upgrade to Xbox Series X/S and Playstation 5 after launch. It is currently available on Steam, GOG, and the Epic Games Store for PC and Mac, Stadia, and via Xbox Game Pass for PC among other stores.

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