PICTURE PERFECT Board Game Review: Just Take The Picture Already!

What’s In The Box?

Picture Perfect is a four-player board game, where each player receives a backdrop/scoreboard, a table, a double-sided mat, and a set of characters all eager for their perfect photo. Along with the player pieces, the game includes a variety of unique decorative items to arrange on the table, allowing you to create the perfect picture.

Gameplay & Design

Picture Perfect is all about making the perfect picture for all the guests. A game that litereally requires you to take a picture for the game. In a clue-like manner each guest has an envelope with some requirements they have for the photo. Each round players will look at one envelope to learn what the guest wants from the picture, whether it be placement, or a rude request like not wanting to see somebody’s face. After each round, you won’t see every guests’ requirements so you’ll need to use context clues to figure out some.

Once you finish all the rounds you’ll have seen as much information as you could have and by now you’ll be able to make your final adjustments to the picture. At this point you can choose to leave people out of the picture for a gain of zero points, but at the same time you won’t be risking losing points. Once you have all your characters placed you can take your picutre, literally. This game requires you to use your phone and take a picture of the scene and this is how you’ll score your points. After everybody has their picture taken, you’ll reveal each characters requirements one at a time scoring or losing points depending on how many requirements you have met. Then whoever has the most points wins!


This game while simple in theory the rule book is a bit thicker than needed. There is a lot of explaination that doesn’t entirely make the rules clear. When playing the first time I found myself referencing the rule book quite a bit with lots of flipping through pages just to not find the answer. Long story short, some simplified rules could go a long way.


Picture Perfect is a surprisingly fast-paced game, especially when played with just two people. Despite its quick playtime, it offers endless replayability, as the requirements change with each round, ensuring no two games are ever the same. One of the most satisfying aspects of the experience is the way the game finishes—there’s something deeply rewarding about seeing the final picture you've arranged, which adds a sense of closure and accomplishment to every session. With its unique blend of strategy and creativity, Picture Perfect is a fantastic addition to any collection, particularly for fans of mystery and deduction games.

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