Player Predicts It Would Take Two And A Half Years To Unlock Everything In FOR HONOR Without Money

If you're someone who thinks being able to grind for otherwise costly DLC is a fair bargain, perhaps this will change your mind. If you were to buy every Microtransaction and hero in For Honor it would run you around $700...which I think a very small margin of us would pay. Given that knowledge, Reddit user Bystander 007 did the math and figured out if you are someone who plays 1-2 hours a day 5-7 days a week and completed all your objectives for max steel each day it would take around two and a half years for you to get everything in the game. 

That's not good news for a game community that is now half of what it was at launch. Barring some miracle, those numbers aren't going to look much better a year down the road, let alone two years away. Hell, two years from now Ubisoft may already have a sequel announced! For Honor players, how does this make you feel? 

Source: VG247