Pressure Overdrive has now become available on the Utomik platform, this was reviewed on Gametyrant last year . It's a wacky, zany shooting game featuring carts and interesting enemy vehicles. It was released during the last quarter of 2017 and is a revamp of a previous game released by Chasing Carrots, simply titled Pressure.
It's a very unique game and recaptures some of the spirit which has recently been lost in gaming. It reminded me very much of an old Codemasters classic Micro Machines, but the focus here is not on racing, but on combat and surviving through each stage.
The Game begins when Morgan awakens from his morning bath, only to land in the dust of the once full river outside his house. It appears that tiny robots are stealing all the water in the land and shipping it away. Filled with righteous anger, Morgan sets out to join the resistance movement who want to get their water back from the evil Count Soap II.
It's a fun story and told through detailed and humorous cut scenes, you can tell that there's a lot of effort that has been put into the style and atmosphere of the game. It's certainly accomplishes the goal of sucking you into the cartoon world that the developers have constructed.
The gameplay begins with a nice tutorial mode which familiarises the player with the controls for movement and weapons. Your vehicle is a cart which can be customised with extra weapons and abilities - these in turn can be upgraded with the coins you earn by destroying enemies. You are given a chance to upgrade your cart after each level at the Garage and there are a variety of choices on offer. These choices affect your mode of play and the game certainly promotes a variety of ways to finish off your enemies and complete the level. Ranging from close combat aggressive attacks to the long range variety and the ability to even use aerial attacks if you equip the kite, which boosts the time your cart can stay in the air after jumps.
The Shop has an incredible amount of variety regarding Weapons and customisations
There's an excellent local multiplayer mode, which is drop in - drop out and this really makes the game more enjoyable. It's wonderful to see a developer add a mode like that - have a friend round, order some pizza and enjoy some co-op fun. In an age where multiplayer gaming can be a little isolated, this is a breath of fresh air.
Lots of beautiful, vibrant areas and inventive enemy design show off this polished Indie title
This is an excellent choice by Utomik to add this title to it's ever expanding library, with it's fun single player mode and it's additional 'endless' mode - pitting players against more and more enemies it's a title which you will keep returning to.