RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2'S Main Campaign Will Take Around 60 Hours To Complete

Red Dead Redemption 2 is only a few days away, and developer Rockstar Games revealed that players will spend an estimated time of around 60 hours to complete the game’s primary campaign.

Initially, the game was supposed to feature 65 hours for the primary campaign. However, Rockstar’s Dan Houser revealed to Vulture that 5 hours of content was cut from the game. The report also showed that the material that was cut from the game was supposed to include a second romantic story arc for protagonist Arthur, but the studio said that “we decided one of them didn’t work.

Moreover, a “mission on a train where you had to deal with bounty hunters,” was also removed from the campaign, but several hands on sessions by other outlets reported that players can easily simulate this mission on thier own. As of now, the mo-cap for the game’s single-player story is already complete. However, Rockstar is still polishing a few things for Red Dead Online, which will launch as a beta in November.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is slated to release on October 26, 2018, for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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