In October of 2019, Retro-Bit, Limited Run Games and Game Pink Joined forces to release a pink version of Retro-Bit's stellar Sega controllers. 10% of all orders went towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation to help spread awareness and treatment for breast cancer. The campaign did so well that it amounted to a delay in the original ship date of the controllers from November 2019 till now January 2020. The wait was definitely worth it as these controllers are just amazing to look at and they were able to help a good cause. Check out the video to see how they turned out!
Retro-Bit's Pink Controllers Are Stunning!

Ryan Engstrom —
Ryan started out playing games on his fathers Atari 2600 and has been playing games ever since. Favorite franchises include Command & Conquer, Ace Combat, Metal Gear and Halo. Ryan likes to keep up with all current and retro gaming news and trends. You can follow Ryan on Twitch, YouTube, and Twitter.