Rumor: Xbox Revealing "Upgraded Xbox" And "Xbox Mini" At E3

Multiple sources right now are reporting Xbox has some major hardware news coming to E3. According to Kotaku and Podcaster Brad Sams, Microsoft will be announcing a "Xbox Mini" set for this year and an "upgraded" Xbox One set for release next year. From the podcast, here are some highlights via Reddit...

  • Multiple hardware is being announced at E3. He says "mini".

  • Two streaming devices. One like Amazon Fire. And one like a large lunch box, that isn't like a X1, but a different device.

  • Smaller for more for streaming, the other something different. Smaller one being roughtly 100 bucks. Other being priced around 175.

  • Now is talking about 4K.

  • Now talking about making Xbox a platform. Not just a console. Talking about bringing the Xbox Interface to the PC.

  • He thinks Xbox in and of itself will turn into software down the road. Not just a console, but you having the ability to say your PC is also a Xbox.

Sounds pretty crazy, especially the move that Xbox could potentially become a PC attachment! We'll be giving more updates as they become available.