San Diego Studios Hits a Home Run with MLB THE SHOW 24'S Negro Leagues Edition!

Get ready for a grand slam of gaming as San Diego Studios knocks it out of the park with the unveiling of the collector's edition for MLB The Show 24—the Negro Leagues Edition! This isn't just about baseball; it's a celebration of history, paying tribute to the pioneers who defined the game.

Here's the scoop on the must-have bonuses:

4 Days Early Access:

Step up to the plate four days ahead of everyone else and be a true trailblazer in the gaming world!

Limited Edition Swag:

Sport an exclusive New Era Hat and showcase your passion for the game in style. Plus, it comes with a part of history with the Steel book!

Legendary In-Game Bonuses:

Unlock the Barrier Breakers Diamond choice pack, Legend Diamond choice pack, and more—20,000 stubs, a Cover Athlete bat skin, and a range of packs to level up your gaming experience.

With dual entertainment options for both next-gen and last-gen consoles, this edition is a home run for every fan. Secure your spot in the lineup by pre-ordering now and swing for the fences with MLB The Show 24's Negro Leagues Edition!

No author bio. End of line.