Sony Confirms PSN Name Change Option For The PS4

Ever since the launch of the PlayStation 4 five years ago, players have been bombarding Sony to allow them to change their PSN Online ID on the console. After years of resistance, Sony finally confirms that it will begin testing the feature allowing players to change their name on the platform as it enters the PlayStation’s Preview Program.

Currently, the feature is only available to players who have previously registered as testers for PS4 system software betas. For everyone that is registered and has access, the first name change will be for free. However, subsequent changes will cost $10 for regular users and $5 for PlayStation Plus members.

Changing your name in PSN is rather simple. All you have to do is access the feature via the settings menu or the profile page of your PS4. From there, you can simply change your name, which even includes the option to display your previous PSN ID alongside your new one so friends can recognize you. It is important to note that the decision to place your old ID beside your new one will be crucial because you won’t be able to change this after you decide whether or not to display your old PSN ID.

Another thing to remember is that not all games will support the name change. However, Sony revealed that it will be compatible with all PS4 games released after April 1, 2018, and “the majority of the most-played PS4 games.” In case the player encounters issues related to the name change, Sony will allow you to revert back to your old ID for free.

The preview program will run until the end of November this year, and Sony plans to make the feature available to all users in early 2019. Lastly, the company also promised to release a full list of compatible games before the feature is rolled out worldwide.

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