Steam Update Makes It Easier To Find Games With PlayStation Controller Support

Knowing which game supports all your preferred controllers can be a bit of a pain on PC. Xbox controllers have native support in most cases, but many modern releases still don’t have proper support for PlayStation controllers like the Dual Shock 4, and DualSense. Thankfully, Valve has been updating Steam, and Steam Input to make it easier for you to find which games are compatible with this latest update.

Expanded PlayStation Controller Support Update

If a Steam release doesn’t have native profiles set up for different controllers, you can use Steam Input to add support for controllers, even if you don’t always get the correct in-game prompts. While this is a useful feature, it still wasn’t always clear which game has support for PlayStation controllers natively. This update now mentions the supported controllers conveniently on the store page of each title.

So for example, you’ll now see both the Xbox Controller and PlayStation controller support for Mortal Kombat 1 since it has native profiles for both controllers.

For other games, you’ll see something like this.

Additionally, you can now filter games by supported controllers on the Controller-Friendly hub on Steam.

All of these changes make it easier to check if you the next game you’re interested in currently has proper support for your input type. Valve has added a bunch of additional features in this update, including changes to the library as well. Make sure to read up on the update notes here. I think these updates are fantastic, and make it easier for players who prefer certain types of controllers to make informed decisions. Here is hoping native support for PlayStation controllers becomes a standard in the coming years.

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