Teamwork Makes the Dream Work In XCOM: CHIMERA SQUAD

The return to turn-based strategy comes with XCOM: Chimera Squad.

City 31 is the center of cooperation for life on Earth. Humans, aliens, and hybrids all living together. But peace is fragile in a world where species are just now learning to get along. The post-war life could quickly boil over into conflict if the Chimera Squad does not work to keep law and order in the city.

The Chimera Squad is an elite squad of agents, a diverse team of aliens and humans that all have unique abilities to contribute when fighting back against the threats that endanger City 31. XCOM: Chimera Squad builds on XCOM's turn-based legacy as players must coordinate the team with a clear strategy and understanding of agent abilities to successfully master the breach-and-clear gameplay. Mission objectives depend on executing the right moves at the right time. Utilize special abilities during your strategic operations to give the Chimera Squad the advantage during a fight.

To learn more about the upcoming game, check out the gameplay video below or explore the XCOM website.

XCOM: Chimera Squad releases for the PC via Steam on April 24th.