This Graphic Compares STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS to KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC This Graphic Compares STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS to KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC PhotosStar Wars7 years agoby Former GT Staff Writer Get Ready For A New STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT II Gameplay Trailer and First Look At Assault On Theed EA Announces Early Access To STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT II Beta The Force Is Strong With The First Gameplay Trailer For STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT II STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT 2: EA Reduces The Cost Of Locked Heroes By 75% But Does This Change Anything? STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT Confirmed to Include Han, Leia, and Palpatine STAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC - KNIGHTS OF THE FALLEN EMPIRE Launches Today Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit No author bio. End of line.