On May 19 2020, Wasteland 3 welcomes new recruits and seasoned Rangers alike to post-apocalyptic Colorado where the end has just begun. Premiering on Xbox Ga...

Fall is just around the corner and besides being my favorite season, a ton of wonderful games are releasing this fall. One of them is Wasteland 3, releasing at the end of the month. I know, it’s still summer and I don’t want to depress anyone, but I consider it a fall purchase. The game, the third of the series, was developed by InXile Entertainment and published by Deep Silver. It’s a tactical–RPG action game set in a post-apocalyptic Colorado, one of my favorite genres.

The narrative puts you in command of Rangers trekking from Arizona to Colorado’s snowy wastes. There are a wide variety of choices and skills available so you can customize your characters to your liking. Wasteland’s combat is reminiscent of the XCOM series (My favorite of all time), although supposedly, Beta testers claimed the game did not have many combat options. This may change when the final version of the game becomes available.

Tips and tricks direct from Wasteland 3's Lead Designer David Rogers as he details how to build a Ranger squad able to take on the frozen post-apocalypse of ...

You control two characters early on; later on, you amass a party of six. Ideally, you want to have a six-man crew as soon as possible. More allies mean a better shot at defeating the enemy. If you go into combat with your head up your wazoo, you will get wiped off the map! Know how to adapt to different situations and react to the enemy’s tactics and you should be fine.

In between battles, you’ll meet eventual allies and an eclectic assortment of bad guys, and then it’s up to you to decide what to do. You’ll gain experience as the story advances and winning battles helps gain experience. When you interact with other characters, your decisions will affect the outcome of the game. There is a possibility of ten different endings occurring, all based on the decisions you make.

Graphically, Wasteland 3 looks good! Minimum specs require the Windows 10 operating system, an Intel i3-3240 (or AMD equivalent) CPU, an Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 (or Radeon equivalent) GPU, 8GB of RAM, and 47GB of storage space. This is really not a demanding game. These are the minimum requirements.

Wasteland 3 is coming your way on August 28, 2020, and it looks like it will be a dandy. It may not be XCOM in terms of combat options, something that may make it more appealing to the masses.

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