We Finally Get A Proper Out Of Bounds Exploration Of SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY

Thanks to the combined efforts of a few talented folks, popular out of bounds exploration YouTuber Shesez has finally put together an exploration of Super Mario Odyssey! Easily being one of the most popular games at the launch of the Nintendo Switch, Super Mario Odyssey has had countless players play through the story and break through the walls to find shortcuts, out of bounds oddities, and more. But now we have a well put together exploration of what’s going on behind-the-scenes of the game.

While I always enjoy a good out of bounds exploration, I appreciate the detail that went into this game. Seeing how it has been years since the game’s release, I like seeing that he took his time to get a lot of the good stuff. From T-poses to overlapping models on a character, this Boundary Break video has taken a spot on my favorite explorations on his channel. Enjoy!