CONTROL Gameplay Footage Looks Awesome

We've played 8 hours of the Max Payne and Alan Wake creator's new game, and it's safe to say we're about to get weird. Subscribe to IGN for more! --------------------------------- Watch more on IGN here!

At the end of August, gamers will get to dive into Control, the newest release from the makers of Quantum Break, and it looks like an absolute blast. The visuals are at once mind-melting and alluring. There is a lot of weird stuff going on, and that's not a bad thing. The female protagonist stays embroiled in conflict for much of the gameplay that has been featured so far. She wields powers reminiscent of biotic abilities in the Mass Effect series, but she incorporates that world-rending chaos into the fight alongside her intimidating pistol.

Check out eight minutes of gameplay footage in this thrilling video.