Explore the Vast Wyoming Expanse in FIREWATCH on PS4

Fans of The Talos Principle, The Witness, and Transistor might appreciate the gameplay style in this new release from Campo Santo. In Firewatch, you take on the role of a fire lookout named Henry who has stumbled into a situation involving two young women that have gone missing. Taking cues from someone at the other end of a handheld radio, you work together to put the pieces together behind the cause of this mystery. Phone lines were originally reported to have gone down due to a powerful storm that blew through, but Henry comes to find out the lines have actually been deliberately cut.

The response online has been generally positive, and it’s always great to see when a small team like Campo Santo has created something that looks this fun and original.

Firewatch is now available on PS4 for $19.99 with a dashboard theme collection sold separately for $3.49. Bundled together, the combined price gets knocked down a bit to $21.99.

No author bio. End of line.