I Fear For Humanity Now That A Colonel Sanders Dating Sim Is A Thing...

想与肯德基爷爷来场约会吗?如今KFC也推出了乙女游戏,让每个人都可以与有六腹肌和人鱼线的帅气KFC爷爷...额,大叔来场约会啦!你们是否有信心,并俘虏他的心呢? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 想了解更多游戏资讯记得订阅我们以下的社交平台!成为游戏达人吧! Wanuxi 官网 - http://www.wanuxi.com/ Wanuxi FB 专页 - https://www.facebook.com/wanuxi/ Wanuxi YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/wanuxiplay Wanuxi Twitter - https://twitter.com/wanuxi Wanuxi Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wanuxi/

Why is this a thing?! No like really why is this a thing?! I Love You Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickn’ Good Dating Simulator has you trying to court the one and only Colonel Sanders. Exactly, WHY!!! I mean it is pretty funny and it is even being made by KFC with the help of developer Psyop, but what is the reason! Are they hoping that this new sexy Colonel will bring in all the folk for some chicken tonight? Hmmm chicken is sounding pretty good right now… Crap its working!! This game is going to be a best seller on Steam now isn’t it? IF you want to try your hand at dating Colonel Sanders, I Love You Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickn’ Good Dating Simulator will be available for free starting September 24th. check out the features for the game below.

9 lovable characters

Multiple hours of play-through

Dateable Colonel Sanders

A secret ending! Shh!

Secret recipes! Double Shh!

Cooking battles

Battle battles

Earn a degree from a fictional culinary school

11 Herbs and Spices

Cute miniature food

Officially created by KFC. No, really

I’m scared…