Who would’ve thought that back in 1945 when World War II (WWII) ended that a spew of video games would be made about the war? Surely no one at that time thought that mainly because video games didn’t exist. However, Starni Games Studio and HyperStrange have added their own flare to the WWII video game legacy in the form of Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty. It’s quite an interesting and fairly unknown take on the period, set far from the generic Western, Japanese, and Eastern front.

The game is set around an underequipped Finnish army struggling to fight off the Soviet and Axis threats. The main conflicts playable in the game are the Winter War, Lapland War, and Continuation War. These conflicts were very bloody and tested the stalwart heart of the Finnish People. Heroes like Simo Hayek made these wars on par in terms of legendary with WWII. It is a strategy game so supply distribution, munition upgrades, and communication with HQ, all on a hexagon-based grid, are the main features of the game. The conflict in-game will ask “What if?” in scenarios that could change the course of history.

Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty will be available on August 28th for PC via Steam.

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