Strange Puzzle Game FRACTER Brings Mystery To Steam This Week

Strange and cryptic story plots told in a visual aspect rather than a written or spoken one is a growing genre. So far games in this genre, like Little Nightmares and Darq, have all done rather well with their audience and getting positive scores from numerous reviewers. It is simply a well-liked style that gets people talking and solving the mystery within the oddities the game consists of.

The latest game to meet this genre is Fracter by 4L Games. Shrouded in a dark world and given the overall quest to find light within the cryptic labyrinth, this game is looking to be a competing title for the mysterious genre. Full of various puzzle styles and lots of ground to cover, based on what we can see from the trailer, makes this game something that is sure to catch the attention of odd puzzle game fans out there.

It is set to launch on September 5th for Steam, so if you are just now hearing about this game then the best news here is that you don’t even have to wait! You can check out some screenshots and more description from the store page, but check out the announcement trailer to see a glimpse of what they have to offer: