Stunning Art in Video Games: METRO EXODUS

Vol I: Metro Exodus

The above screenshot is simply that. A screenshot I took while playing METRO: EXODUS. It is not doctored, it is not sharpened or filtered, it’s just an in game shot while riding a zip line. The more I play video games, the more I appreciate both the technical and artistic merits of certain titles. The artists, engineers, and creators behind these games deserve praise and merit for transporting us to other worlds. The first title in this new series is Metro Exodus from 4A Games.

While there are plenty of jaw-dropping games out, no other as of late has me hitting the screenshot key more often that Metro Exodus. While the first two games were stunning in their own right with dark, dank tunnels and bunkers with a bit of swamps thrown in, Exodus ranges from said tunnels to frozen tundra to vast deserts and much variety in between. It truly is an artistic and technical marvel.

Whether day or night, burning sun or blinding snow, Metro Exodus just screams quality and drips with atmosphere. Moments of sheer terror and other subtle minutes of quiet peace are filled with amazing vistas. Feel free to click on any of the images in this article for a larger version you are free to download and use for backgrounds or just to gawk at.