The SEA OF THIEVES 2024 Preview Event Shows Us What Is To Come!

Season 12

Andrew Preston, a designer at Rare, explains that Season 12 of Sea of Thieves aims to shake up the game's meta and enhance players' enjoyment across its various elements. This includes introducing two new weapons and three new tools for players' use.

In Season 12, Sea of Thieves will introduce a double barrel pistol and throwing knives. The double barrel pistol offers a balance between fire rate and damage, blending attributes from both the pistol and the blunderbuss. Meanwhile, the throwing knife is highly versatile, serving as both a melee weapon for swift damage and a throwable weapon for ranged attacks; a unique feature is the ability to retrieve it if missed.

The three new tools are The Wind Caller, Scattershot, and the Bone Caller. The Scattershot is a bundle of cannonballs designed to overwhelm an opponent's resources. The Bone Caller is a distinctive throwable that summons skeleton allies to aid in combat when thrown. Lastly, the Wind Caller is a horn that harnesses the power of the wind, granting players a speed boost or enabling them to blow enemies off cliffs or ships.

Season 12 also brings anticipated changes such as zip lines on various islands, a revamped harpoon gun, and significant quality of life enhancements.

Season 13

Mike Champman, Rare's creative director, delves into the upcoming season with a focus on Captain Flameheart, a central figure in Sea of Thieves' lore appearing across various media, from novels to Tall Tales. Season 13 heralds the return of Captain Flameheart, along with his infamous Burning Blade ship, ready for more adventures.

In Season 13, players can expect the thrilling Burning Blade world event. Unlike typical World Events held at specific locations for player battles, the Burning Blade event introduces a unique twist. Captain Flameheart and his crew will roam the seas, offering players the opportunity to join the crew by boarding the Burning Blade and pledging allegiance to Captain Flameheart. This isn't just about being part of the crew; it involves fulfilling Captain Flameheart's orders, such as exploring ancient ruins and solving new puzzle gameplay to acquire secret orbs that contribute Tribute to the Burning Blade.

Season 13 promises a highly community-driven storyline that is sure to deliver countless enjoyable moments for players.

Season 14

They provided us with an exclusive early glimpse of Season 14, set to launch by year-end. This upcoming season, named Pirates of Mischief, will center around stealth and mischievous activities. John Nejady, a producer at Rare, discussed how humor is a prominent element in Sea of Thieves, drawing inspiration from the Box in Metal Gear Solid. He hinted at the possibility of players hiding in chests, hoping to be mistaken for regular loot and taken aboard another player's ship.

Additionally, they mentioned experimenting with custom blow darts that can perform various actions, such as emitting sounds to deceive players, attracting skeletons, and more.

Overall, after watching this preview event, it's clear that the Rare team has ambitious plans ahead. With careful execution, 2024 could be an exciting year for Sea of Thieves.

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