UNTITLED GOOSE GAME Surpasses One Million In Sales

Panic, the publisher of Untitled Goose Game from House House, announced that the quacky adventure has sold over one million copies in the three months since launch.

That’s an impressive figure for a game that began as a joke. A fascinating interview by Allegra Frank of Vox details the interesting development history of Untitled Goose Game. From a studio joke to an indie smash hit.

If you have no idea what Untitled Goose Game is, it’s a comedic romp in an unsuspecting village, where the antihero is a meddlesome goose. The waterfowl will prank, terrorize, and bewilder the villagers. And it’s so worth your time.

It’s also one of GameTyrant’s top five indie games of 2019. You can read more about these awesome titles here.