Warframe Developers Announce THE AMAZING ETERNALS: The Next Epic Free-to-Play FPS

Bringing together a mixture of objective based FPS, Jumanji, and a collectible card game is Digital Extremes, developers of Warframe, with their upcoming title The Amazing Eternals! Using classic fantasy settings, from spaghetti western to space stations, you will be facing against opponents in a never ending battle to harvest the most essence of a keystone on the field!

Check out this trailer and commentary from the developers:

If this is your type of game then now is the time to sign up so you can get the exclusive gear and be among the first to play with the closed beta starting August 29th. Even as a free-to-play game, you will want to be prepared and practiced!

This game looks like it could end up being the next title to join the esports field with the interesting card power up system mixing with the skill based FPS game style! Would you be a contender if it was? How soon will you be downloading your copy?