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Blizzard Says They Won't Talk About Legacy Servers For WoW At Blizzcon

Legacy servers in World of Warcraft have been in discussion for nearly a year now, and it looks as though those talks will continue through Blizzcon. J. Allen Brack took to the Blizzard forums and delivered the following update on the situation...

Hey everyone,

We’ve seen some talk among the community that you might be expecting to hear some news on legacy servers at BlizzCon, and we just wanted to take a moment to let you know that while we’re still discussing the possibility, we won’t have any updates to share on that until after the show.

These past few months we’ve been laser-focused on the launch of Legion and getting Patch 7.1: Return to Karazhan ready to go (it’s almost here!), as well as prepping for BlizzCon—which is always a huge undertaking itself. You’ve heard us say that the launch of Legion was just the beginning of the story we want to tell in this expansion. What we will focus on at BlizzCon is how the team is committed to making sure we bring you a steady stream of content going forward, and we can’t wait to share what’s next for Legion.

Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you at BlizzCon.

So basically "We're not concerned about it like we told you we are, please get your wallets ready for our DLC."

The whole thing started 6 months ago when Blizzard officially shut down Nostalrius which was a community run server that allowed players to play Classic World of Warcraft.  After a tremendous backlash from the WoW community, Blizzard met with the Nostalrius team and assured the public they were working on bringing official legacy servers for players to enjoy.

I would be a little more sympathetic to Blizzard had they not forced the server down after letting it run untouched for so long just because they had an expansion on the way. Then again, whoever they lost is really unaffected by all the expansion business as they weren't playing in the first place so Blizzard really has nothing but time to deliver on the legacy servers. Until then, we continue to wait.