Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Storage Size and Always Online Frustrates Fans

With all of the hype Call of Duty Black Ops 6 generated yesterday, they also managed ot get a fair amount of backlash for certain decisions. particularly toward the size of the game and how the it will also be an always online product.

Hidden in the FAQ’s of the game, it was discovered that the game could take as much as 310 GB to install on systems, which amounts to almost 1 whole Xbox Series S (512 GB). The increasing size of Call of Duty games every year has become a running gag in the gaming community, but fans would think the developers would try to reduce the size and not further inflate them.

In addition, fans are now further annoyed that they can not even play the campaign or zombies mode offline as the texture streaming at all levels will require a constant internet connection. A lot of people have taken to social media and seeing the move from Activision as deliberate to make player numbers look inflated on purpose, and the size of the game effectlvely means that a third of storage on current-gen consoles is taken up by a single game.

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