Ok everyone, I was trying to avoid writing again by browsing YouTube and I came across something so awesome I just had to share it! YouTube channel The Covers Duo, composed of Pamela RomVel and David Galardi, have recorded their own unique spin of the fantastic Mega Man X soundtrack. Every track is here in its entirety from the Capcom logo to the credits roll. Each track sticks close enough to the source material to be recognizable but it just packs such an awesome punch I can’t stop listening! This is way better than previous covers I have listened too. No joke, I might have to convert this into an MSU-1 sound pack to use while I play the actual game, I love Mega Man X what can I say! Thank you The Covers Duo for such an awesome listen, I can’t wait to check out more of your stuff!
Check Out This Sick Cover Of The MEGA MAN X Soundtrack From The Covers Duo!

Ryan Engstrom —
Ryan started out playing games on his fathers Atari 2600 and has been playing games ever since. Favorite franchises include Command & Conquer, Ace Combat, Metal Gear and Halo. Ryan likes to keep up with all current and retro gaming news and trends. You can follow Ryan on Twitch, YouTube, and Twitter.