DEAD BY DAYLIGHT X Iron Maiden Is The Best Collab That Any Metalhead Could Ask For

In a truly electrifying crossover, Dead by Daylight has cranked up the volume by joining forces with none other than the legendary heavy metal band, Iron Maiden. Brace yourselves, horror enthusiasts and metalheads, as Eddie—the iconic shapeshifting figurehead of Iron Maiden—has officially invaded the spine-chilling realm of Dead by Daylight in a headbanging new Collection!

The Iron Maiden Collection is available for purchase starting February 22nd at 8 a.m. PST / 11 a.m. EST. So, grab your favorite pair of headphones, ready your gaming setup, and get ready to rock and roll your way through The Fog with Eddie by your side! Dead by Daylight has just cranked the horror genre up to 11, and Iron Maiden fans wouldn't have it any other way.

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