DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Gets A Limited Time Deluxe Demo

Dead or Alive 6 launches on March 1 but why not get a head start on the latest fighter right now! Koei Tecmo has decided to help build up hype and awareness for the game by releasing a Deluxe Demo that comes fully outfitted with 24 characters of the games fighting roster. Players are able to try out a story introduction, training mode (complete with combo training, command training and free training) and online matches against other players. The Demo will be available starting today for all Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus subscribers and lasting just 2 days until February 24 so get you time in now or wait until release.

Being a demo there are a lot of features missing that will be in the full release but for a demo the content included here is pretty impressive. Gameplay has also been very smooth and quite fun but I have only gotten to try out training mode as of the writing as I wait for the full download to finish. From that brief gameplay I am, so far, pretty satisfied with the improvements made over Dead or Alive 5. The new break system has been a blast especially since I am garbage at the old counter system. The added SP attack is also pretty dang cool to see used by and against you!

『DEAD OR ALIVE 6』豪華体験版 ■プレイ可能期間:2019年2月23日(土)~2月24日(日) ■対応機種:PlayStation®4/Xbox One ■プレイアブルキャラクター 「かすみ」「あやね」「ハヤテ」「リュウ・ハヤブサ」「ディエゴ」「NiCO」「マリー・ローズ」「ほのか」「ザック」「エレナ」「こころ」「ヒトミ」「レイファン」「ジャン・リー」「リグ」「バース」「ティナ」「ミラ」「ラ・マリポーサ」「エリオット」「ブラッド・ウォン」「バイマン」「クリスティ」「雷道」計24名 ■ステージ DOA COLOSSEUM THE THROWDOWN FORBIDDEN FORTUNE LOST PARADISE THE MUSCLE ROAD RAGE HIDDEN GARDEN ■モード ・ストーリー ※序章のみ ・トレーニング  「チュートリアル」  「コンボチャンレンジ」  「コマンドトレーニング」  「フリートレーニング」 ※挑戦状オン ・オンライン  「ランクマッチ」 ※本体験版は製品版と内容は異なります。 ※本体験版は期間限定です。上記期間を過ぎますとダウンロードおよびプレイはできなくなりますので、あらかじめご了承ください。 ※プレイ期間は予告なく変更になる場合がございます。 DEAD OR ALIVE チャンネル登録(Please Subscribe)

Are you a fan of the Dead or Alive games? do you plan on picking up the full game on March 1? Share your thoughts below!