Review Sample Provided by E-WIN
E-WIN’s latest line of gaming chairs, the Champion Series Ergonomic Gaming Chairs to be exact, are some of the highest quality chairs you can get right now, especially if you love the color pink. With a comfortable design, a fabulous color scheme, and a sturdy build, there is no other gaming chair you’ll need after checking this one out. Let’s dive into why this Pink version of EwinRacing’s Champion Series gaming chair, considered one of the best gaming chairs 2022, is worth consideration.
What’s in the Box
When it comes to the inclusion of necessary parts and tools, E-WIN makes sure to equip consumers with everything they need. You have all of the main parts of the chair such as the seat, backrest, wheels, frame, screws, caps, washers, and Allen wrenches, as well as the removable cushions for back and neck support.
Aesthetics and Build Quality
I’ve got to say, overall, I absolutely love the look of this chair. With its mostly pink and white design, there’s really nothing like it anywhere else. I really like how all of the pinks on the chair are the SoftWeave fabric while anything white or black is accented using plastics, metals, or faux leather. It feels like every color does its own job here.
As for the build, I am gobsmacked by just how great this thing is. Building it was a piece of cake and once it’s a finished product, it’s the most sturdy chair you’ll find. This line of chairs in particular holds up to 400lbs making them the most universally gamer-friendly chairs available. Now no gamer has to settle for a dull black chair when it comes to locating one that fits their needs.
Specs and Special Features
The Champion Series Ergonomic Gaming Chair manages to hold some great creature comforts, though nothing too extreme, it’s great to have them. The adjustable 4D armrests are amazing and the removable cushions put the cherry on top of the fantastic sundae that is this chair.
SoftWeave Fabric 2022
Cold-Cure Foam
Neck Cushion
Lumbar/Back Cushion
4D Adjustable Armrests
Adjustable Backrest
Multi-Tilt Mechanism
Hub-Less Casters
After having used this chair for the last few days, I’m absolutely astonished at just how comfy it actually is. I haven’t had any aches or pains in my lower back thanks to the lumbar cushion, and my buttocks is quite comfy on the thick Cold-Cure Foam-laden seat. A thick seat is always great for long gaming sessions as well as a full day’s worth of work. And as someone who both works and games at the same desk for upwards of 12 hours a day, this is most definitely my favorite chair ever.
Twisting and turning in the chair is great as it’s an insanely smooth ride from top to bottom. You won’t find the chair creaking, the wheels glide like butter, and adjusting the chair’s backrest tilt is easier than it’s ever been in a chair such as this. As someone who’s about 5’11, I found this seat’s lowest height to be perfect for me as my legs touch the ground with a perfect angle at the knee while I’m able to seat as far back as possible in the chair. So posture is perfect in this thing.
Putting it all together only took about 15 minutes and I found the instructions to be pretty simple and user-friendly with many pictures, all done with color and indicators. They’re laid out in an unorthodox way so it took me a moment to figure out things. Once I did though, it was smooth sailing.
What it Could Have Done Better
My only gripes are with some of the color choices. I wish that the frame/base could’ve been white to match the rest of the chair and it would have been cool for E-WIN to change the coloring of their logo for this chair as the red kind of clashes with the rest of the color scheme. Aside from minor style choices, there isn’t anything to complain about here.
As an avid lover of all things pink as well as a comfy place to crash, the Champion Series Ergonomic Gaming Chair is most definitely the best chair I’ve ever used for gaming and work. I will happily continue to use this chair. I’ll be smiling when I’m using it because of its comfort as well as when I’m just staring at its pink beauty.