Experience Feathered Fury In DUCKSIDE

Enter the quirky world of DUCKSIDE, a survival crafting game where players take on the role of hat-wearing ducks. Developed and published by tinyBuild, DUCKSIDE is now in its public beta phase on PC via Steam, ready to unleash its feathery mayhem.

Embrace the duck life and navigate through a chaotic island warzone, collecting licenses to bolster your standing on the server and unlock the coveted DUCK idols. Utilize unique flight mechanics to explore the skies, locate these idols, and return them to safety.

Show your devotion as a duck by paying homage to the idols with a respectful bow, earning valuable loot drops from above. Join forces with fellow ducks to form a formidable team, proving that birds of a feather can indeed fight together and conquer the challenges of DUCKSIDE.

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