Streets of Rage 4 is now available and praise is being nearly unanimously heaped upon the retro revival! Our own review has claimed that “Streets of Rage 4 is the perfect return of a classic series!” As part of today’s release day celebrations, gaming tech channel Digital Foundry has released a new video that covers the series history and some sweet behind the scenes look at development. If you love seeing this kind of stuff be sure to give the video a watch as John Linneman does a great job as always!
Get A Cool Behind The Scenes Look At STREETS OF RAGE 4 In The Newest Digital Foundry Video!

Ryan Engstrom —
Ryan started out playing games on his fathers Atari 2600 and has been playing games ever since. Favorite franchises include Command & Conquer, Ace Combat, Metal Gear and Halo. Ryan likes to keep up with all current and retro gaming news and trends. You can follow Ryan on Twitch, YouTube, and Twitter.