Impressive World Of Fantasy Created In STYX: SHARDS OF DARKNESS Gameplay Video

I didn't expect much from a sequel to the Styx franchise, so I was kind of blown away when I saw this. If you're a lover of stealth gameplay or fantasy, you're going to be a fan of Styx: Shards of Darkness. In this nearly 9 minute video, we learn about the new mechanics at your disposal as you look to reek havoc on the lives of humans and elves. In this particular segment, Styx raids and changes documents before an important summit in a Dark Elf fortress. 

Here's the game's official description from the official website...

Following the fall of Akenash tower, an extraordinary matter has forced Styx out of hiding to infiltrate Körangar, the city of the Dark Elves. Supposedly impregnable, a diplomatic summit offers Styx a chance at slipping in unnoticed, as he learns that the event is nothing but a mere fascade... 

There's no official release date as of yet, but Styx: Shards of Darkness is confirmed for PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2017.