MORTAL KOMBAT 11's Nightwolf Announcement Shows A Fiercely Brutal Warrior

At the beginning of June, NetherRealm Studios announced the upcoming Kombat Pack DLC for their latest continuation title for the Mortal Kombat series. In this Kombat Pack announcement, they revealed some gameplay for Shang Tsung and provided a list of names for other fighters coming to Mortal Kombat 11, which included iconic comic book character Spawn. Now they have shown off the next character on the list, Nightwolf, in anticipation to the DLC’s release later this month on Steam, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

This gameplay trailer features some of the badass moves that Nightwolf will have in stock for his opponents, along with a horrifyingly gory Fatality that easily makes a top candidate for most brutal finishers in the games history! They also include a reminder for those that have already snagged this DLC from the store that they will have access to its contents a full week prior to its release. While we still don’t know who our two mystery guests are, the Kombat Pack seems to be full of some epic content.

Check out the trailer yourself and see why Nightwolf should be added to your list of characters to main in the latest, well-received title of the Mortal Kombat series: