Product provied by Arcane Wonders for purpose of review
What’s In The Box?
Onitama chess-like game from board game publisher Arcane Wonders. This is a straightforward game with minimal components, making it easy to set up and clean up. It includes 8 pawns (4 red and 4 blue), along with a red and a blue master pawn, a roll-up mat, and a deck of movement cards. This game is perfect for quick sessions, as it can be picked up and played in just 10 to 15 minutes.
Design & Gameplay
Onitama is a Japanese game that resembles chess, but with a unique twist: instead of each piece having its own movement style, your moves are determined by the cards in play. Each round begins with drawing six cards, handing two to each player, and placing the remaining two beside the playmat. These cards dictate your available movements.
On each turn, you can move one pawn or your master pawn. Select a pawn and choose one of your two movement cards to move to any of the locations indicated on the card. After using a movement card, swap it with one of the two remaining cards off to the side, ensuring you never use the same card twice in a row. Like chess, if you move onto an opponent’s pawn, you capture it. There are two ways to win: either capture your opponent’s master pawn by landing on it with any of your pawns, or move your master pawn to your opponent’s starting position.
The game requires strategy to avoid leaving your master pawn vulnerable. While strategizing can extend the game's duration, as you become familiar with good and bad moves, the game flows quickly, allowing you to complete a game or two in under half an hour.
This game is perfect for quick play sessions, but it lacks a strong attention grabber. It may not be suitable for younger children or those who don't enjoy strategizing, as they might find it boring. Personally, I appreciate the fast-paced gameplay and the constantly evolving strategy. Any issues I had have been addressed by a few expansions, so overall, I'm quite satisfied with Onitama.
Onitama is a deceptively simple yet brilliantly designed board game that captivates players with its elegance and depth. Bearing chess-like qualities, Onitama offers endless replayability, ensuring that it remains engaging and fresh no matter how many times you play. The core concept of the game never becomes stale; reshuffling the cards creates a completely new game each time, adding to its dynamic nature. Over time, players can discover and master a multitude of strategies, providing ample reason to keep returning to Onitama.