PANDEMIC is a Fantastic Deal for Only $20 Right Now!

One of the favorite games to play at my house is Pandemic. We own 2 of the expansions and it never gets old. For those that have never had the pleasure of playing this great game here’s a quick summary. It is a cooperative board game, so all players will either win or lose together. As a team, you are trying to cure 4 nasty diseases that keep popping up around the world, but the diseases spread like crazy and if you can’t manage your time and actions effectively, the world will die.

Want to play Pandemic with your friends at home? Visit your friendly local game shop to purchase it! Or buy it online at: Subscribe to Geek and Sundry: Join our community at: CLICK "SHOW MORE" FOR CREDITS AND MORE INFO!

If you enjoy the game but haven’t been able to pick it up yet, or you’ve never heard of it and it sounds fun, jump down to our link (or click here) to pick it up at $20. That’s half of what you would normally pay for the base game, and with the leftover money, you can get pizza for your friends or put it towards one of the equally awesome expansions.

Note: GameTyrant from time to time will offer affiliate links that we stand to make a small cut of the sales of a product. GameTyrant only makes recommendations based off things they enjoy as well as things that potentially benefit its readership. 

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