Podcast—Interview with DIVE: STARPATH Director and Lead Artist Dani Powers

As someone consumed by the driving forces of creativity, the opportunities to collaborate on something awesome are always welcome and exciting. Sometimes all it takes is the right team to reach new heights of inspiration, and I can say that with zero exaggeration about my time so far working with Gravity Well Studios on DIVE: Starpath. The gameplay takes me back to all the good times I had with Star Fox, and creating the music for it has been an absolute sonic treat where I get to sink deep into atmospheric, synthesized tones as well as integrate some orchestral elements. 

Our very own Jake Smith introduced me to Dani Powers a few months back at the office where we were having a Star Wars party. It was the very party where I had bent down to pick up our life-sized Jabba and ripped a hole down the entire length of my ass in my newly purchased jeans.

Since I have this platform of GameTyrant Audio (thank you GT, listeners and sponsors), I wanted to have Dani on for my first game developer interview to talk some DIVE, GDC, how to turn a senior capstone project into a marketable game for PC and consoles, and how to turn criticism into constructive feedback.

DIVE: Starpath is shaping up beautifully, and you can find additional news and updates at GravityWellStudios.com as well as on the DIVE Twitter account.  

DIVE: STARPATH - Interview with Director and Lead Artist Dani Powers
GameTyrant Audio

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