Rolling around at the speed of sound has never been as fun for me as it was in Sonic Adventure 2! I didn't have a Genesis growing up so I never really got into the 2D entries of Sonic outside of my Game Gear version of Sonic 2. When the series finally came to GameCube, I couldn't wait to jump into the 3D Sonic world! Yes, I know most everyone hates 3D Sonic games, but I have always been a fan of Sonic Adventure 2 and always enjoy giving it a revisit despite its absurd number of emblems to collect. Today in Quick Compare I am looking at the original Dreamcast version of the game and pitting it against its Nintendo GameCube re-release. Which version is superior? Check out the video to find out!
Roll Around At The Speed Of Sound With This Look Back At SONIC ADVENTURE 2 On Dreamcast and GameCube!

Ryan Engstrom —
Ryan started out playing games on his fathers Atari 2600 and has been playing games ever since. Favorite franchises include Command & Conquer, Ace Combat, Metal Gear and Halo. Ryan likes to keep up with all current and retro gaming news and trends. You can follow Ryan on Twitch, YouTube, and Twitter.