Steven Wilson - Home Invasion: In Concert at the Royal Albert Hall 4K Blu Review - Stellar Invasion

Concert and Track Listing

Who’s Steven Wilson? While many would ask that question just by seeing the cover of the new 4K Blu-ray concert disc the geniuses at Mercury Studios, let’s just say he’s probably one of the most talented musicians that you either worship or have never heard of. Even though available on regular Blu-ray for several years now, now available on 4K Blu-ray, we wish more 4K concerts would come to fruition. Mercury to the rescue!

Overall, this is an amazing concert for both first listeners and hardcore fans alike. The track listing below shows all the tracks but let it be known that the content, tracks present, and especially the camerawork here is absolutely top notch material.

1.        Intro “Truth”
2.        Nowhere Now
3.        Pariah
4.        Home Invasion / Regret #9
5.        The Creator Has A Mastertape
6.        Refuge
7.        People Who Eat Darkness
8.        Ancestral
9.        Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
10.        Permanating
11.        Song Of I
12.        Lazarus
13.        Detonation
14.        The Same Asylum As Before
15.        Song Of Unborn
16.        Vermillioncore
17.        Sleep Together
18.        Even Less
19.        Blank Tapes
20.        The Sound Of Muzak
21.        The Raven That Refused to Sing

•        Rehearsal Tracks: 
o        Routine 
o        Hand Cannot Erase 
o        Heartattack In A Layby
•        Interview

Video and Sound

While definitely the most disappointing part of the disc, the 4K video present here isn’t bad, it’s just not as stellar as the rest of the package. Most likely due to the source material being at 1080i or 1080p, there is only so much you can do here to upscale to 4k. Blacks and colors are fine, it’s just the detail isn’t as sharp as our best 4K discs.

Luckily, the most important part of these discs is the audio and this, along with the concert itself is absolutely stellar. With two different tracks, both excellent between LPCM 2.0 and DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 tracks, both 96/24, of course I prefer the realistic and engaging 5.1 DTS-HD track and it will blow you away from the quiet, intimate moments to the bombastic and hard-hitting moments, it all is sonic goodness that will impress all those who are present.


In the end, I am loving the complexities and layers of Steven Wilson and Co. If you’ve never given him a listen, this is the perfect chance. If you worship every bit he releases, this is just more goodness for existing fans. While video leave a bit to desire, there is so much to love here. With sublime audio, amazing camera work and a more than solid track listing, this is thee 4K concert disc to own in 2025.