Supermassive Games Unleashes Nightmarish Collaboration With DEAD BY DAYLIGHT

Get ready for a gaming experience like no other as Supermassive Games dives into the spine-chilling world of Dead by Daylight with The Casting of Frank Stone. In a twisted narrative set in Cedar Hills, the haunting legacy of Frank Stone transforms a quaint town into a nightmare-scape.

Beneath the shadows of an Oregon steel mill, players will confront the gruesome aftermath of a sadistic killer's crimes. Every decision you make shapes the story, leading to heart-wrenching dilemmas and high-stakes horror. Supermassive Games' cinematic storytelling adds new dimensions of emotion and immersion to the already acclaimed Dead by Daylight universe.

This isn't just a game; it's an exploration of the unknown. Offering a fresh look at Dead by Daylight, this dark original tale promises spine-chilling twists that will linger long after the game is over. Brace yourselves for a descent into horror – the collaboration is set to terrify in 2024.

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