Tech Time: Increase Your Social Media Presence By Turning A Photo Into A Cartoon

by Guest User

Are you a part of social media? Do you have an account, an online community, or a channel on one of the platforms? If you do, just like millions, that’s great. And if your goal is to increase your online presence, this is precisely the kind of article you should read. You might find many like it, but this one is a bit different. 

How? It tells you how you can enjoy an overpowering presence by turning a cartoon into a picture. Presence: that’s what you need to attract followers, enjoy likes, and increase your shares. Using cartoons is an effective way to do that. The reason is everybody loves them. Adults, kids, men, women, everybody. It reminds them of an innocence still found in this world. A part of their childhood that remains intact. But before you do that, here are some things you should know.

Be a little different

You want people to notice you on social media. That’s great. However, for that to happen, you need to stand out. Do something different. Using a cartoon is a step in that direction. But how does it do that? Ask yourself. What do most users post on their feeds, stories, or web pages? It’s mostly pictures of themselves, nature landscapes, or celebrities, right? 

But how many of them post cartoons? Those could be of any type. This will attract the attention of most users. They will have a reason to notice you. They will associate you with a particular style or expression of creativity. Being different is the goal, right?

Increase your engagement

This point is connected to the previous one. The more different you are, the higher your engagement. More and more people would want to get in touch with you. And you will be doing this by showcasing your art. But why would they do that? The answer is simple.

Cartoons have distinct colours. Even if it’s a realist or minimalist style, they are different from photos. The colourful ones burst with shades and hues of every sort. The richness in them instantly catches the viewer’s attention. But it’s not just the colours. The emphasis on the features in cartoons is another factor here. It’s called exaggeration. You see a highly dramatised version of yourself. How much you want that to be depends on you. 

Ultimately, the higher the number of likes and reactions for your cartoons, the more they appeal to a social media platform. They will promote your content like never before. When that happens, yours will be the first results users see.

Create a distinct identity for your brand

As mentioned before, your cartoon image is your work. It belongs to you exclusively. So, whenever you change a photo into a cartoon, it’s your brand at play. The next time people see it, they will associate it with you only.

Once you’ve done that, you create something called a brand identity. People look at your cartoon images and immediately know that you’re the one behind it. Then there is uniformity. This experience will be the same regardless of which social media platform they use. The benefits of those cannot be emphasised enough.

The emotional side of cartoons

Cartoons are fun. But they’re also much more than that. Remember a character that you loved since childhood? Spongebob Squarepants, Mickey Mouse, or Bart Simpson. They occupy a specific place in your childhood. But you’re not alone. There are many more like you.

Imagine coming across a cartoon (never mind if it’s that of your picture) while scrolling through endless posts. It will instantly transport the viewer back to their childhood days. A time of innocence, play and fun. They will immediately develop a connection with your cartoon image or images. It’s this connection that will lead to higher engagement.

Tips on choosing the right software

Now, social media engagement is great. But to get there, you need the right tools. For, it is with these that you can create fun filled engaging images. How do you do that? 

Search for tools with basic qualities like a good user interface and performance. You should get accustomed to it pretty quickly. The tool should not feel like a labyrinth of processes and steps. So, that’s one thing.

The other are the features. Watch out for editing options like detail enhancing, layer managing and colour adjusting options. These are all necessary to give you a high res image without compromising on its quality. You can also increase the image’s size without making the image look pixelated. Also, you will need a variety of filter effects.

These are some ways you can increase your social media engagement by turning a cartoon into a picture. The process begins by searching for the right tool. Do your research using some of the tips mentioned here. Once you do that, these lonely images will give you the spike you need in your social media presence. 

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