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TUROK 2 Hunts Again On The Switch This August!

I was so late in finally playing Turok on the N64. Having only played through the series for the first time last year I can’t help but kick myself over missing out on such classics for so long. Turok 2 was also the first game to use the N64’s Expansion Pak to provide a higher resolution in game. The first 2 Turok games were thankfully re-released on Xbox One and PC starting back in 2015-2018. Turok: Dinosaur Hunter also made its way to the Switch in March of this year.

Now the amazing sequel Turok 2: Seeds of Evil will be heading to the Switch on August 8! The title will be available digitally for the price of $19.99 and featured updated graphics and textures over the 1998 original. If you are a fan of physical copies there will also be a limited print of both games later this year. If you played and enjoyed the first Turok game definitely pick up the sequel, it was better in nearly every way possible!

Now all I am hoping for is an HD remaster of Turok 3