Yooka-Laylee is currently delayed on the Nintendo Switch following some issues with the latest update with the Unity engine and the Switch hardware. Playtonic, who was originally waiting on this update (5.6) to finish up the game to officially announce their release date, has now discovered additional problems now that the update is released.
"Although [5.6] has now been released, it has unfortunately introduced other issues which we are working with Unity to resolve before we can submit to Nintendo and lock in our release timeline. We understand the frustration that it's taken so long to get the game in your hands but we hope you understand that we're working as fast as we can and want the game to perform as well as it possibly can on Switch. Once these remaining issues are resolved we hope to finally be able to commit to and share a launch date. Thanks as ever for your patience and please bear with us - we are getting there!
As far as what the issue is specifically with Unity and Switch is unknown, but it's been noted that this problem isn't just exclusive to Yooka-Laylee. The makers of Battle Chasers: Night War recently said the same thing in regards to the last update with the Switch and Unity, although it is not known if they will need more time following the latest update.
Do you think this is just developers needing to polish a game, or is there something wrong with Unity's compatibility on the Switch?